2. Something I'm looking forward to is getting a real job and not depending on my Dad for uhhh...everything.
3. Something I would never do is let someone else's needs interfere what I want for myself.
4. If I could choose someone to be my life coach (famous or not, living or dead), I'd choose LAUREN CONRAD...make fun of me all you want for my obsession. She's driven, successful, beautiful, and doesn't take peoples crap. YOU GO LAUREN!

5. If I had to put a label on my style it would be changing every 4 months, which explains my exploding closet and my ongoing complaint that I have nothing to wear.
6. One should always smile. :)
7. I want to see the world. Africa and Australia are next on my list.
Yay! I feel special :) And I always copy Anna's blogs so we have this nice little circle of Phi Mu love in the blogging world! LIOB
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